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Now comes word the First Man on Earth?

Ever imagine what the first words that came out of the mouth of prehistoric man? Now the researchers did find what it says. Want to know? The results showed, 'Duh' a man's first words. It is known from the forms and mechanisms of the mouth, throat and other parts of the vocal tract of a human ancestor millions of years ago which makes them a voice.

But then, the sound can be produced not so much. All words will sound like a vowel 'u' and 'd' can be fused with a 'u' and create a 'duh' a word that may be created at that time.

Not only that, according to evolutionists conversation Bart de Boer of the University of Amsterdam, as quoted DM, 'body also has the possibility of becoming the first word of this prehistoric man.

Ann MacLarnon from the University of Roehampton in London said the findings support the theory states, the need for complex voting can communicate better to make the air sacs in humans shrink.

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