1. Traffic should be high (many visitors)
Basic principles such as, who will be clicking the ads on your blog or website? Of course the answer is a guest (visitor). What makes sense a lot of clicking ads on your blog or website if visitors (visitors) your web blog or a little?.
So the first thing you need to increase the visitors (visitors) your blog or website. You quickly get a blog so that visitors use the services of SEO, if you do not understand about SEO. view wawasanfadhitya traffic here!!
2.Blog Theme Must Match the ad
The theme of your blog or website what? In making a theme blog theme atauu website is a major factor of success in the virtual world in search of additional income. If your blog is created with the purpose of obtaining additional revenue by using ad space, then the theme of the blog is a factor keduua. The question now is How to choose a good theme? Any tips on how to choose a theme is to look at the ads that are displayed in a blog. If your theme fits with the theme of the ads that are available then the success rate will increase. Example you are looking for information about educational materials later in the blog be a single or a few ads that do not fit with the theme of the blog, what you might be interested in clicking the ads? The answer is no. Because it would not be interested in clicking as you're looking for is not like that. Then determine the theme of your blog wisely.
3.Click Blog Advertising Other
The purpose of bayank gives? I once read a blog about the blessings of memebri habits. It was said that each of us to give 1 it will be multiplied by 10 from the creator of the universe. So many-many gave klikan ads on your website or blog you visit. Remember! at some sites advertising provider does not justify this, where a blogger working together in doing klikan on the installation of advertising. So the next time you visit a blog or website do not give too many kelikan because it would be considered scamp. So just click one time only ads that are there and you think is most interesting to click and visit.
reference: http://www.artikelbagus.com
Bisnis Online
thanks infonya sob
sangat bermanfaat
sukses selalu ya
thanks udah berkunjung
thanks utk info
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